Reiki and I – a long standing relationship

Short history

Reiki is an alternative healing therapy using the universal energy to harmonize the energy systems of the body, mind and spirit. Reiki (in Japanese “rei” meaning universal and “ki” meaning life energy) is a form of complementary therapy related to energy healing, being a ‘hands-on-healing’ technique. It works on all the body fields (physical, energetical and mental) by channeling a healing frequency of universal energy by the practitioner and laying on the palms on or close to the client, transferring the amount of energy required to each part of the body, activating the natural healing processes in the client’s body and restoring physical and emotional well-being. It’s father, Mikao Usui, started applying this healing technique as early as the 1900s and was the teacher to more than 2000 students, from which a dozen took the teaching and employed it in many parts of the globe, taking different shapes, being adapted and evolved in different branches.

My relationship with Reiki

I first learned about Reiki energy healing 13 years ago, from my father who became himself a Reiki Master, in his own journey to becoming a healer.

To make it simple, when you start your journey to practicing Reiki healing, you have three levels until becoming a Master (or four levels to becoming a Mater Teacher). You should be receiving the attunements to these levels from a Reiki Master directly, as these attunements represent a direct connection between the practitioner and the Reiki healing frequency, through the employment of the Reiki symbols, created by Mikao Usui himself. First attunement offers you the possibility to self-heal, it takes a while to get to know the energy, to start experiencing with yourself to be ready to receiving the second attunement for which you can start healing others, physically or at a distance. The third level is the Master level, for which, in Japan, it could take a practitioner his or her entire life to develop personally, spiritually and gain enough practice to be receiving the Master Level and the 4th level of Master Teacher.

As I tried to simplify as much as possible the process, I will now tell you that I have received the first two attunements from my father (my best friend, my confident and my mentor) when I was 20 years old. I was young, just starting university, not quite passed through many life events as one should and maybe not mature enough to stand my ground and talk about this side of me, my high sensitivity and ability to heal with my hands. It was impressive though, the level of energy that was going through my hands, through my entire being, the way I connected immediately to this healing frequency, its light and warmth. I remember doing my first distance healing to a friend, and I was feeling all his ailments, not affecting me, but as close to naming all symptoms he had, all that while being in different cities, not being in contact or informed about his physical or emotional wellbeing. I didn’t know what to do with it, at least at that point in my life.

In 2013, in France, I’ve met this wonderful Reiki Master, Kathryn Hudson, also working with crystal therapy and Angels. She was emanating light and welcoming energy; I remember how opened and kind both her soul and her advice were. We were at a nice little French bistro on the board of the Seine, in a sunny spring day and I told her my life story. She said and I will never forget ‘Teo, when the time comes to follow this path, you will know it in every cell of your body. The right time will come to you, don’t rush it’. I am so grateful for this heartwarming and thoughtful conversation, it guided my next steps in life, thank you beautiful Kathryn.

In 2015, I had the privilege and honour to receive (again) the attunements from Inamono Sensei (the Founder of Komyo ReikiDo, 4th in line after the great Master Mikao Usui, the father of Reiki), putting me 5th in line, a direct, clear lineage from Mikao Usui, the Father of Reiki. The experience was unique, the thrill, the inexplicable sensations and the amount of energy that circulated through my body during the reception of the attunements. It was decisive for me to start working in this area. And so I did, ever since 2015 my life involved treating the ailments of my family members, friends and acquaintances, in my spare time, not as a day to day activity.

In 2020, I have had the pleasure of meeting a very talented and open-minded Reiki Master Teacher, who took the time to walk me through his live adventures in finding everything about energy healing and especially Reiki healing (more about his life, the books he published and the courses he offers here). He was a true inspiration for me and I’ve come across him in the right time in my life, happily for me he was in The Netherlands (close to my home, in Amsterdam), because of the pandemic. His caring and genuine advice, but also the incredible Reiki healing session he offered me, reassured me I was on the correct path, I am grateful to him, thank you Frans.

Examples of disorders Reiki healing helped me solve

I have had distance cases of lack of self-love and lack of self-confidence that offered emotional support and tended to that desire to see the inner beauty and cherish the body, mind and spirit. I have had physical ailments from twisted ankle to broken elbow and even open wound, which symptoms and pain were alleviated from only a few therapy sessions. Last, but not least, most common cases in this ‘very busy’ age, are emotional ailments, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia. Most patients experiencing such emotional discomforts often ignore the symptoms, don’t admit they need help or just consider to be ‘just a phase’, until it becomes so severe that they can no longer attend to their ‘business as usual’ life-styles and seek for the help they need. Reiki healing is a soft and yet efficient healing technique that can alleviate the symptoms, calm the mind, relax the body so the person’s depression is tender and gone, the anxiety diminishes until is under control, the sleep becomes deeper and more nurturing.

One of the cases I’ve tended to, was my own condition. I was diagnosed with intellectual exhaustion, our generation’s most common disease, notably ‘burnout’. My symptoms were as straightforward as it goes – lack of concentration, impossibility to memorize or prioritize basic things, high stress materialized in lack of appetite, no desire to do physical exercise or be part of social interaction, chaotic sleeping, agitation and the list can go on. Self-healing using the Japanese alternative healing method of Reiki helped me firstly to acknowledge that I had a problem and then, secondly to have my entire mind shifting towards the strong intention and acute desire to get healed. Regular Reiki self-healing sessions made me see all the symptoms listed above getting softer every day, until…they disappeared and I took control on my intellectual abilities, my capacity to work as efficient as I did before, to get rest while sleeping and to get back to regular physical activities and social encounters.

Why join me for Reiki healing?

I have been mentored by my father most of my life, a kind and caring Reiki Master with more than 12000 hours of treatments; I received my attunements both from my father and from Inamoto Usui, the 4th in line after Mikao Usui, the Father of Reiki; I have gained many hours of experience treating different ailments, with successful results and I am open hearted offering these services to whomever needs it most, as part of my life mission. Lastly, in my signature treatment, I combine Reiki healing with elements of Pranic healing, sound healing and color, making it a complex, interesting and efficient healing session.

Keep posted for the next articles, as I will be talking about Pranic healing together with Color Healing and  Sound Healing, as part of these blog series.

See you back soon!

Love, light and warmth,
