Chromotherapy – Light and color therapy — My colorful journey

Chromotherapy is a type of complementary therapy which uses the visible color spectrum to treat the imbalances of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies. The best-known benefits of color therapy are balancing emotional and mental energy levels, relaxing and stress relieving, energizing the body-mind-spirit, improving sleep, enhancing the mood, boosting the immune system, increasing appetite, calming and cleansing the body systems, and so forth.

In my practice, I use the light through intention and the colors both through visualization and through using physical silk scarves on the physical body, as each color vibrates at a certain frequency, with specific healing benefits.

Short history and useful concepts explained

The healing properties of light and color have been recognized since ancient times and today, these techniques that use light and color are used in many complementary therapies to heal imbalances and treat existing disease.

Light is derived from the sun and sun, in itself has been worshiped by so many ancient civilizations (Egyptians, Greek, Maya and Christian people), being put in the core of their existence, the source of life and power. With the use of the sun rays and crystals, the colors were born. In ancient times (2000BC even) colors were used in healing rooms, in temples by interlocking crystals to refract the entire color spectrum. For many decades, the color frequencies were applied to treat specific imbalances and to strengthen the immune system, not only in alternative medicine, but in the allopathic medicine (see ultraviolet treatments, blue light and others).

What it’s important to understand before explaining how color therapy works to treat imbalances, we first need to understand what ‘subtle bodies’, auras, meridians and chakras represent.
  • Subtle bodies are layers of the human energetic system, beyond the physical, tangible body, through which the universal life force energy (known as different names in different cultures Ki, Chi, Qi, Prana etc) flows. There are 7 such layers, the ones I am interested in here are those at the energy field – etheric field (the closest to the physical body), the emotional field and the mental field.
  • Auras, known as the person’s energetic anatomy or the body’s energy, are a tridimensional Prana (life energy) cloud, which starts in the physical body and spreads outside, in all directions, forming a precise outline around the body. Simpler put, the aura is the sum of all the subtle (energy) fields.
  • Meridians are the energy channels within the body, from with the nourishment passes through to chakras and then to the organs and finally go all the parts of the body.
  • Chakras are energy centers, which receive and distribute the energy throughout the body. There are many Chakras, but there are 7 main ones: Root chakra (Red color, safety), Sacral Chakra (Orange, sexuality), Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow, power and confidence), Heart Chakra (Green, love), Throat Chakra (Blue, communication), Third Eye Chakra (Purple, intuition) and Crown Chakra (Indigo or White, connection with the Divine).

Applying light through intention and colors through visualization and colored silk scarves, the energy from these passes through all subtle bodies, flows within the meridians, arrive in the Chakra centers and are distributed to the organs and all parts of the body, treating both the physical and emotional/mental disbalances.

Based on numerous studies, each color vibrates at a certain frequency, the faster the vibration the warmer the color. As in sound therapy, the frequencies of sound from voice, acoustics or different ancient instruments, are used for healing, same happens in color healing, the color frequencies are used during the therapy session (see below Table 1).

Table 1. Source: Colour, by Kurt Nassau, section The Visible Spectrum

Then, there are many branches including the use of color and their frequencies – in Chakra alignment, in musical notes, in Chinese 5 Elements Theory, Planetary correlations, Zodiac signs and so forth. I will not go so deep in the subject.

Some examples of healing properties for colors could be:
White (contains all light spectrum) – strengthening and purifying
Black (contains all light spectrum) – grounding and calming
Red – warming and grounding
Orange – revitalizing the physical body and supporting the emotional system
Yellow – energizing the Solar Plexus Chakra, effective in depression
Green – relaxing, releasing of stress, calming inflammation and balancing energies levels
Blue – cooling the system, boosting creativity and effective in respiratory conditions
Violet – cleansing and purifying, stimulating dreaming
Indigo – balancing hemispheres of the brain, strengthening the lymphatic and immune system


My relationship with colors

I was about 4 years old when I first told my parents everyone around me was surrounded by colors, different and changing, clear or mixed, vague or strong, round or edgy shaped colors. In 1994, in Romania, there were few people talking about energy healing, few knowing what an aura is or how you can use color to heal, and even fewer openly talking about any of these.

I remember how that period was for me, it was like a beautiful dream, with your eyes opened. Everything was magical, everyone was carrying its most predominate color, they were surrounded by these beautiful light of mixing colors. What I could not explain at such an early age was how I was actually seeing the energy fields of people, their auras interacting. Some of them had very strong, clear, big colored lights around them, others were closer to their bodies, others had it shaped with waves-like cover, or even wholes in some parts of the body.

Even though I ignored the colors to fit it, until they disappeared, I didn’t lose my extra-sensorial ability to sense the type of energy people carry in their auras. This ability helps me firstly to protect my energy field, and secondly to be able to direct healing energy where needed, in a therapy session, adding light through intention and color, where needed.

Examples of aspects color therapy helped me improve

In most of my therapy sessions, ever since I’ve started working with energy healing, I’ve used the intention of light and brought into the practice the properties of the color that was needed in that particular case. In the past year, I have added to my practice the actual color, in a physical presence, as natural silk scarves. The latter ones, I place them on the physical body of the client, also with the relevant healing intention.

One interesting case was the one of a quite mentally active person, who was close to having panic attacks, whilst was finding difficult expressing his voice in communicating with his team-members the fast he was overwhelmed by tasks and short deadlines. For this person, I used 3 colors in the treatment, notably red, then yellow and then blue. Red was used for energizing the Root Chakra, offering the person the feeling of security and safety, of being grounded and held, which was needed in his work situation and private life. Yellow was used for energizing the Solar Plexus Chakra, which even though can stimulate the mental activity, it is also a warming color, effective in depression, offering the confidence and the optimism he needed. Finally, I’ve used blue, a color that cools the entire system down, spreading the sensation of calm and leaving the person in deep peace. Also, blue is the color of the Throat Chakra, which supported the person to express himself, to be able to freely communicate what he was going through and have his voice heard. Impressively, he also sensed the colors differently on his body (cold, warm and tingling), without being able to explain why.

After this session, without explaining to him neither the purpose of using each of the colored scarves, nor what I’ve set as the healing intentions, this person finally got a proper deep-sleep for the coming week, he woke up feeling energized, more grounded and balanced and he had successfully communicated with the team about his concerns, thus the panic attacks didn’t materialize.

Why join me for color therapy?

Besides my native abilities to sense and see color, I have learned how to employ color from the best, during the Sound Healing International Training with the Harmonic Sounds, Association of Sound Therapy. In the intensive training programme, they allocated an entire chapter on how to best work with the color energies in a complete energy, sound and color treatment. Finally, in my years of practice, I have effectively used colors in treating imbalances for my clients, having great results and positive feedback.

In a future article I will talk about Pranic Healing, where colors are used to treat different ailments too, in slightly different ways.

See you back soon!

Love, light and warmth,


For a more in depth historical understanding of Chromotherapy, I recommend a very well written article ‘A Critical Analysis of Chromotherapy and Its Scientific Evolution’ by Samina T. Yousuf Azeemi* and S. Mohsin Raza, found here.