‘Always have your roses ON’ – Protect your energy fields – Easy daily practice

I think what I am about to share could help others ‘protect’ themselves from a very energetically heavy period to a day-to-day situation, in order to avoid having their energy ‘stolen’ by people that can (‘energy vampires’ as they are called). Most importantly, for those that found themselves offering any types of healing, protecting yourself from any of the people’s releases is very beneficial.

I am writing this article on the 20th of March 2022, 2 days after one of the most powerful Full Moon I’ve experienced so far and in expectation of the spring Equinox, another deeply touching event. This month’s Full Moon in Virgo (interesting views here), also called ‘The Full Worm Moon’ is really intense as it brings back all bad habits, daily routines, past planning and life choices you want to get rid off, leave behind, change in the future, offering visibility and strength to move into a new path; I don’t want to stress how powerful can all these ‘efforts’ be. On top of it, the Spring Equinox normally removes the winter, the dark, the cold from your life, helping you to reborn and start fresh without unnecessary weight on your back.

Talking to many of my branch colleagues, in the spiritual, healing world, but also to my somewhat not so spiritual friends and family members, I observed we all got hit by this energy wave, this intense pressure of shifting universal energies, in a very heavy period from a collective view point, recovering from the global pandemic and fearing from a Third World War. The collective consciousness must have taken a sever toll these past few years and we can all feel it. My own reactions to this past week’s energetic heaviness consist of sleepiness, dullness, the need to be alone, dizziness, longer and terrifying nightmares, the incapacity to meditate, to still my mind, to be calm and serene, a lot of anger and frustrations came up and the list can go on. Therefore, if you experienced the same, just understand it’s beyond us and it will pass.

Coming back to what I actually wanted to share with you, about protecting one’s energy fields, I can say with a lot of gratitude and love, ‘Thank you truly’ to my teacher Michel and Nestor from Harmonics Sounds for presenting this little morning practice to me, a practice that accompanies me ever since day 1. It is my pleasure to share it with you too, maybe it will help.

First thing each morning I follow the following 5 exercises that provide me with a deep meditation state, grounding and protection throughout the day:

  1. Grounding – connecting to Mother Earth and Father Cosmos

Connecting to Mother Earth, I firstly tap my feet Chakras on the sole of my feel to allow the energy from Mother Earth to come into my body, to gather in my Root Chakra. Secondly, I let go of anything I don’t need to take with into the new day from the previous night, sending it back into the nurturing Mother Earth, deep into the ground and lastly, I invite the Earth energy to flow freely up from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra.

Connecting to Father Cosmos, I firstly tap my palm Chakras to allow the Cosmic energy to enter into my body, also gathering in my Root Chakra. Secondly, I also let go of any tensions, fears, any frustration, any bad nightmares, to leave my body and mind, sending it back into the nurturing Mother Earth and finally I invite the clean, Cosmic energy to flow upwards through my Chakra system, at any speed it wants that day.

These two important connections with Mother Earth and Father Cosmos, cleanse my mind and body and ground me really good, to allow each day to be as a fresh start, while holding me straight no matter what.

  1. Connecting with my light – sending that day’s intention to my body, mind and spirit and into the universe

Following the grounding step, I connect to my bright and beautiful light, my strength, my power. I set an intention for the day and invite as much light I need to shower me from above to below, to caress my physical, emotional and mental bodies. Then I close ‘the tap’ and rest assured I still have enough to reach out to for emergency situations.

  1. Saying a prayer and showing gratitude to my guardian angels, my spirit guides and to myself

I continue with saying a prayer to my guardian Angels and spirit guides, while showing gratitude to everything that is good in my life. This gives me confidence and peace (even by writing it).

  1. Using my voice to create energy and spread the surplus to those in need

Using my voice, either through using the ‘OM’ mantra, or deep voice, or overtone singing or just humming, with or without any sacred instruments, I free up my creative and communication energy and create a bubble of extra energy (it’s nicer to the intoning with a group as you can see how the energy bubble gets amplified). Once I have finished making sound, I reach to this excess of energy that my voice created and I direct it to part of my body that might need it (previous injuries, emotional wounds, extremities, Chakras, meridians) with a loving and healing intention. The surplus energy I didn’t direct to myself, I send it out in the world, to anyone else who needs it, with the same loving intention.

  1. Protecting myself – Putting my protective roses all around my energy fields

The last step is my favorite, because besides the fact that roses are one of my favorite flowers, you get to play around with colors, which I deeply enjoy. We imagine roses and their thorns will create a shield from the rest of the world, around our energy field. We imagine our furthest point outside the aura and with simple movements we start placing imaginary roses at the very edge to protect us from any energy shifts, attacks or thefts from people who don’t even know they are doing so. I normally place red roses in front, in the back, below and above me; then yellow ones in the left and in the right and I play with multiple colored-roses for my Heart-Chakra, my womb, my musical chords (around the Throat Chakra), my Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra. Should I have any other specific places I wish to add more protection to, I add more. Also, throughout the day, if I feel someone around me needs more energy that I am willing to share, I realign my roses. This is where my dear teachers said and repeated ‘Remember, always have your roses ON’, especially as a energy healer.

What I could add to this 5 steps morning practice is that it doesn’t need to be yours. If you resonate with it, if you are curious to try it and it offers you what you need, if you want to take elements out of it and combine it with your practice, just do so, but do it to your own comfort, always. Do not let anything become a burden, don’t get trapped in the ‘I must do it’, just pin it as a tool in the back of your mind, to be used when it’s most efficient and calming and relaxing and protecting.

I hope you liked and enjoyed reading my article, I am here if you need any more information or wish to share your experiences around this or similar practices.

With much love, light and warmth,
